New member: X0PA Ai

X0PA AI is an artificial intelligence hiring platform that helps companies achieve their hiring with the highest level of objectivity. Making hiring a scientific and objective process, using deep tech tools and combining this with an efficient workflow platform to reduce hiring errors due to human subjectivity and make hiring a seamless, unbiased and agile process.

X0PA helps organisations improve on six key performance indicators of successful hiring – cost of hire, time to hire, quality of hire, retention of hire , diversity of hire and candidate experience of hiring.

X0PA is an easy to use, plug and play platform that uses advanced algorithms and robotic process automation to predict cv to job matching as well as candidate to company matching in terms of best fit. It has a built in video interviewing capability, Email integration for communicating seamlessly with your candidates, Source candidates from multiple sources including LinkedIn and send to X0PA easily, Automatic candidate scheduling and  GDPR compliance.