25th Annual Business Awards - Entry Deadline Extended to 12 July


Entry Deadline for the 25th Annual Business Awards is extended to 12th July!

Singapore's business community is renowned for its excellence and innovation, and we want to celebrate the companies and individuals who are driving this forward. The Annual Business Awards are back for the 25th year, with categories covering standout employers, leading innovation, diversity, sustainability, small businesses, individual achievements, young professionals, the impact of UK businesses in Singapore and more, there's an award for everyone. 

We're inviting companies of all sizes and industries to showcase their achievements and be recognised for their hard work by entering before 12th July. Whether you're a startup that's making waves in your industry, or an established organisation that's pushing boundaries and driving change, the Annual Business Awards is the perfect platform to showcase your success. 

Once again this year we'll be recognising both the Winner and a Highly Commended entry in each category. 

What are the categories?

Scroll down for a list and explanation of each of the available categories this year. 

What are the judges looking for?

In each of the company categories (all categories except Individual Contribution of the Year and Future Leaders), the judges will be expecting to learn your business story, the initiatives you have implemented in the specific category area, and the outcomes from these. Read more in the Entry Guidelines before you submit your entry and ensure the activities you are referring to refer to the past 12 months. Mention of regional and global initiatives is welcomed, but your entry should focus on activities in Singapore.

How do I enter?

It's a simple 2-step process!

  1. Download and carefully read the Entry Guidelines. The guidelines will provide entry tips and guidance for you to submit the strongest possible entry.
  2. Next, return to this webpage, scroll down and complete the entry form before the deadline of 12th July

Are there costs to enter?

There are no costs to submit an entry. If you are announced as a finalist, you will be expected to book a table of 10 company representatives and guests at the Gala Awards Ceremony (or less by agreement for SMEs), which will take place in Singapore in October. 

Who is this year's Guest of Honour?

Our Guest of Honour will be announced in due course.

Who are the judges?

Our Judging Panel will be announced in due course. When you have covered all the information needs of your entry, start to think in more detail about the tone. Does it properly reflect the personality of your company? Try to inject some authentic personality into it. 

Entry Tips

The secret of a great awards entry is to tell a story in the way people expect: beginning, middle, and end, with some interesting detail along the way.

Before submission, share the entry with several colleagues for their feedback. Others will often be able to spot important points that are missing from the entry text. Revise your text to accommodate the feedback.

As we will share a summary of finalist entries on social media and at the Gala Awards Ceremony, make to highlight any copy which must remain confidential.

Who can I contact for assistance?

If you have any questions regarding entries or the Gala Awards Ceremony, please contact ashni@britcham.org.sg. For Partnership Opportunities download the information pack here

Thank you to our Partners



You may enter more than one category, but make sure each entry fulfills the requirements of each specific one for the best chance of success!

UK Impact in Singapore (live voting)

This category is a unique segment of the Annual business Awards that looks to honour and celebrate British businesses that have made a significant positive impact on Singapore's economy and community, highlighting their achievements and inspiring others to contribute to the continued growth and prosperity of Singapore. This category focuses on businesses of all sizes that have shown outstanding performance, innovation, and leadership in contributing to the growth and development of Singapore's economy, as well as making a positive difference to the local community.

Entries to the UK Impact in Singapore category will display the remarkable achievements of UK businesses that have successfully established their presence in Singapore and have made a tangible impact on various aspects of the country’s economy. This can include impressive revenue growth, job creation, export and import activities, investments, collaborations with local partners, and other measurable contributions to the overall economic landscape of Singapore.

Moreover, entries in this category will also highlight how these UK businesses have positively impacted the local community in Singapore. This can include corporate social responsibility initiatives, philanthropic efforts, environmental sustainability practices, diversity and inclusion programs, and other community engagement activities that have brought about positive change and benefited the residents of Singapore. The entries will be evaluated based on the strength of the impact demonstrated by the UK businesses in their operations in Singapore.

Finalists in this category will be approached by the Chamber to arrange an onsite video recording used for the live voting on the evening.

Technological Impact of the Year

This category recognises and celebrates businesses of all sizes that have made a significant impact through technological or digital innovation. The focus is on businesses that have identified a problem, created innovative solutions, successfully delivered those solutions, and achieved outstanding performance in using technology or digital advancements to drive positive change and results. Entries to this category will highlight how businesses have used technology or digital solutions to address a specific problem or challenge in their industry or market. This can include identifying pain points, gaps in the market, inefficiencies in processes, or other obstacles that hinder business operations or customer experiences. The entries will highlight how these businesses have creatively developed and implemented technological or digital solutions to overcome the identified problem. This can include the use of innovative technologies, software applications, data analytics, automation, artificial intelligence, or other innovative approaches to develop solutions that are novel, effective, and impactful.

Entries in this category will also highlight the successful delivery and implementation of these solutions, including the strategies, methodologies, and execution plans used to deploy the technology or digital innovation. This can include project management, change management, user adoption strategies, integration with existing systems, scalability, and other factors that show the successful implementation and adoption of the technological or digital solution. Finally, entries will display the performance and results achieved through technological or digital innovation. This can include measurable outcomes such as increased efficiency, cost savings, revenue growth, improved customer experiences, enhanced competitiveness, expanded market share, or other tangible impacts that demonstrate the success and effectiveness of the solution.

The entries will be evaluated based on the level of innovation, effectiveness, scalability, and overall impact of the technological or digital solution, as well as the successful delivery and performance achieved.

Business Transformation of the Year

This category recognises and celebrates businesses of all sizes that have undergone a significant transformation in their operations or products, resulting in a cost-effective, agile, or future-proof business model. This category focuses on businesses that have successfully transformed their operations or products to adapt to changing market dynamics, optimise processes, increase efficiency, enhance agility, and position themselves for sustainable success in the future.

Entries to this category will display how businesses have identified the need for transformation and have implemented strategic initiatives to achieve a successful transformation. This can include changes in business processes, organisational structure, technology adoption, product development, market entry strategies, or other innovative approaches to drive business transformation.

The entries will be evaluated based on the level of transformation achieved, the impact on business operations or products, the cost-effectiveness, agility, and futureproofing of the business model, as well as the successful execution and outcomes of the transformation initiatives.

Sustainability Champion of the Year

This category recognises and celebrates businesses of all sizes who have demonstrated exemplary commitment and progress towards sustainability in Singapore. The category focuses on businesses that have made measurable progress and impacts in sustainability initiatives, showcasing their efforts to achieve sustainability goals and drive positive change in Singapore's business landscape. Please avoid supplying documents relating only to global/HQ initiatives.

Entries will highlight how businesses have championed sustainability as a core part of their operations, products, and corporate values, and have made measurable progress towards sustainability goals. This can include initiatives related to environmental conservation, social responsibility, ethical practices, and other sustainability-focused areas that contribute to a more sustainable business ecosystem in Singapore. We will be looking for entrants to highlight the specific sustainability initiatives implemented by the business.

Entries will also show the measurable progress and impacts achieved through these sustainability initiatives. This can include quantifiable data, metrics, and performance indicators that display the effectiveness and success of the sustainability efforts, such as reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, energy or water consumption, waste diversion rates, community engagement outcomes, or other tangible impacts that reflect the positive sustainability contributions of the business

Furthermore, entries will showcase how businesses have integrated sustainability into their overall corporate strategy, operations, and culture, and how these efforts have resulted in positive change and progress towards sustainability goals in Singapore.

Entries will be evaluated on the level of commitment, progress, and impacts made towards sustainability in Singapore, as well as the effectiveness, innovation, and outcomes of the sustainability initiatives.

Diversity & Inclusion Champion of the Year - Category Partner Barclays

This category recognises and celebrates businesses of all sizes that have shown outstanding commitment and progress towards promoting diversity and inclusion in their organisations. This category is designed to highlight businesses that have made measurable progress and impacts in fostering diversity and inclusion in the workplace, highlighting their efforts to create an inclusive and equitable workplace environment in Singapore.

Entries will display how businesses have championed diversity and inclusion as core values and have implemented initiatives to promote diversity in their workforce, leadership, and business practices. This can include initiatives related to gender, race, ethnicity, age, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or other dimensions of diversity and more. Please avoid supplying documents relating only to global/HQ initiatives.

The entries will highlight the specific initiatives implemented by the businesses, such as recruitment strategies, inclusive talent development programs, training, employee resource groups, supplier diversity programs, diversity in leadership initiatives, or other measures that promote diversity and inclusion in the organisation. Moreover, entries will demonstrate the measurable progress and impacts achieved through these diversity and inclusion initiatives. This can include quantifiable data, metrics, and performance indicators that showcase the effectiveness and success of the initiatives, such as workforce diversity metrics, representation in leadership positions, employee engagement and satisfaction scores, or other tangible impacts. Furthermore, entries will highlight how businesses have embedded diversity and inclusion into their overall corporate culture and practices, and how these efforts have resulted in positive change and progress towards diversity and inclusion goals in the local context. This can include strategies to promote inclusive leadership, foster an inclusive workplace culture, create equal opportunities for all employees, and promote diversity and inclusion in external partnerships and collaborations.

Entries will be evaluated on the level of commitment, progress, and impacts made towards inclusion in Singapore, as well as the effectiveness, innovation, and outcomes of the initiatives.

Small Business Impact of the Year

This category is an exciting segment of the Annual Business Awards that recognises and celebrates small businesses in Singapore with up to 30 employees that have achieved remarkable growth, secured major customer wins, created significant impact, and generated job opportunities since their establishment. This category recognises the innovation, dedication, and entrepreneurial spirit of start-ups, and encourages their continued success in driving economic growth and innovation in Singapore's business ecosystem.

Entries to this category will highlight the achievements and milestones of the start-ups, including their growth trajectory, customer acquisition, and market impact. This can include information on revenue growth, market share, customer testimonials, successful product launches, or other indicators of the start-up's market success and potential for future growth.

Additionally, entries will showcase the start-up's major customer wins, highlighting notable contracts, partnerships, or collaborations that have contributed to their business success. This can include partnerships with key industry players, significant customer acquisitions, or strategic collaborations that have propelled the start-up's growth and market positioning.

Furthermore, entries will highlight the impact created by the start-up in the local business ecosystem, community, or industry. This can include information on the unique value proposition, the societal or environmental impact of their business model, or any other contributions that show the start-up's positive influence and value to the broader community. Moreover, entries will highlight the job creation impact of the start-up, showcasing the number of jobs created directly or indirectly because of their business operations.

Entries will be evaluated on development and achievements based on growth, innovation and impact with the business’ product/services.

UK Exporter of the Year

This category celebrates UK businesses that have excelled in exporting goods to Singapore, and who have made considerable contribution to UK/Singapore bilateral trade. These companies may, or may not, have established a physical presence in Singapore but are actively trading goods to Singapore.

Entries to this category will highlight the export success of the business in Singapore, including the volume and value of goods exported, the growth trajectory of exports, and the strategies employed to penetrate the market. This can include information on the export performance, market share, customer testimonials, successful market entry strategies, or other indicators of the exporter's market success and expansion in Singapore.

Additionally, entries will demonstrate the company’s significant contribution to the wider business ecosystem in Singapore. This can include information around local partnerships or collaborations, investment in local infrastructure or facilities, establishment of local teams or offices, or other efforts made to build a strong in-market presence and deliver value to consumers and the local ecosystem in Singapore.

Entries will highlight the innovative approaches or strategies employed by the UK-based businesses to overcome challenges, penetrate the Singapore market, and establish a strong export business. This can include information on unique value propositions, market adaptation strategies, product localisation efforts, or other innovative approaches that have contributed to the success of exports to Singapore.

Companies must be currently active exporters to Singapore from the UK.

Employer of the Year

This category recognises businesses that go above and beyond in their commitment to investing in their people. These exceptional companies understand that their employees are their greatest assets, and they prioritise creating a supportive, inclusive, and empowering work environment that fosters employee retention and career growth.

Entries demonstrate outstanding efforts in empowering their employees and promoting their well-being. They have implemented innovative policies, programs, and practices that prioritise the growth and development of their workforce, resulting in a highly engaged and motivated team. They have implemented comprehensive training and development programs, mentoring initiatives, and opportunities for skill-building and advancement. These businesses have fostered a culture of inclusivity, diversity, and equality, and have implemented policies that promote work-life balance and employee well-being.

Moreover, these outstanding employers have recognised the value of their employees' contributions and have created a positive and supportive work environment that encourages collaboration, creativity, and innovation. They have shown exceptional leadership in nurturing talent, providing feedback and recognition, and creating opportunities for career advancement and growth.

Their employees are not just a workforce, but a valued and integral part of their business success. These companies have set a high standard for excellence in employee empowerment and have positively impacted their employees' lives, as well as the overall success and reputation of their business.

Customer Service Provider of the Year

This category honours businesses that prioritise their customers and excel in providing exceptional customer service. These companies understand that outstanding customer service is crucial to their success and have gone above and beyond in delivering unparalleled service to their customers.

The entries for this category showcase businesses that have implemented customer-centric strategies and practices, resulting in high customer satisfaction and loyalty. These companies have established a customer-first culture and have made customer service a top priority across all levels of their organisation.

Entrants have shown exceptional performance in measuring customer satisfaction and have achieved high Net Promoter Scores (NPS) or other relevant customer service metrics. They have implemented robust feedback and monitoring mechanisms to continuously assess and improve their customer service performance.

Moreover, these outstanding customer service providers have developed innovative solutions and strategies to meet and exceed customer expectations. They have implemented efficient and responsive customer service channels, personalised approaches, and prompt resolution of customer inquiries and complaints. These companies have shown exceptional responsiveness, empathy, and professionalism in their customer interactions, creating a positive and memorable customer experience.

The entries for Customer Service Provider of the Year reflect companies that have gone the extra mile in building lasting relationships with their customers. They have shown exceptional commitment to understanding their customers' needs, preferences, and feedback, and have used this information to continuously improve their products, services, and customer interactions.

Future Leader of the Year

This category celebrates those at the start of the career - young professionals who are making a significant impact within the Singapore business community. The category is open to individuals working for a Singapore-based employer who have begun their career within the 3 years prior to awards entry. Entrants can be either nominated by their employer/organisation or self-nominated.

The entries for this prestigious category showcase young leaders who have demonstrated exceptional leadership skills, innovation, and a strong vision for the future. These individuals have shown remarkable achievements and contributions to their respective fields and are expected to achieve remarkable things in their future careers.

The nominees for Future Leader of the Year have displayed outstanding leadership qualities, such as strategic thinking, effective decision-making, and the ability to inspire and motivate others. They have demonstrated innovation in their approach to problem-solving and have shown a deep understanding of business challenges and opportunities.

Moreover, these exceptional candidates have made a positive impact on multiple levels, whether it be within their organisation, their industry, or the broader community. They have shown a commitment to driving positive change, implementing innovative solutions, and leading initiatives that contribute to the betterment of their organisation and society at large.

Individual Contribution of the Year

This category recognises at individuals who have made a significant impact throughout their career within the Singapore business community. This category is open to individuals who work for Singapore-based companies or organisations, and nominations can be submitted by their employer/organisation or through self-nomination.

The entries showcase individuals who have proven exceptional performance, dedication, and contributions in their respective roles. These individuals have gone above and beyond in their work, making a positive impact on multiple levels, whether it be within their organisation, their industry, or the broader community.

The candidates have displayed outstanding achievements and contributions in their areas of expertise. They have consistently delivered exceptional results, showing exemplary performance and commitment to excellence in their work. They have shown leadership qualities, innovation, and a proactive approach to driving positive change.

Moreover, these exceptional individuals have made a significant impact beyond their immediate roles. They have contributed to the growth and success of their organisation, leading initiatives, and implementing innovative solutions that have resulted in tangible improvements. They have also shown a commitment to giving back to the community through corporate social responsibility initiatives, philanthropic efforts, or volunteer work.

Please familiarise yourself with the following rules:

  1. The Annual Business Awards are open to any business with a registered office in Singapore. Exceptions:
    • UK Exporter of the Year - the business does not require an official office in Singapore to enter.
    • Individual Contribution of the Year – the individual who enters/is nominated for entry must be employed by a Singapore-registered business.
  2. Companies from any sector and of any size may enter. The British Chamber of Commerce awards consider companies of all sizes on a level playing field
  3. All shortlisted finalist businesses based in Singapore, and individual finalists, are expected to be represented at the Gala Awards Ceremony. Discounted finalist tickets are available; Singapore-located businesses are expected to purchase a table, which smaller businesses may purchase less tickets. 
  4. Entering more than one category is allowed, provided you meet the category criteria and submit a unique entry
  5. All entries will be automatically acknowledged
  6. Entries submitted after the closing date deadline will not be accepted unless previously agreed with the organisers as an exceptional circumstance
  7. Following the closing date, your application(s) will undergo an eligibility check and be scored against a set of benchmarking standards for shortlisting purposes
  8. In each category, no more than 5 entrants can be shortlisted as a finalist
  9. All shortlisted and unsuccessful entrants will be informed. The shortlist will be published via the British Chamber of Commerce communication channels
  10. Shortlisted finalists in the UK Impact in Singapore category must make themselves available on request for a professional video to be filmed at their location for the purposes of live voting at the Gala Awards Ceremony. Any such video will remain the property of the British Chamber of Commerce and can be used in relation to the awards marketing campaign and awards ceremony production. The production company may choose to make said video available on request, at their discretion.
  11. Judgement of the winning entrants will be based on the quality of the entry against the category criteria as outlined. An entrant’s previous track record in the awards, whether successful or not, will have no relevance on the outcome of the decision. The judge’s decision is final.
  12. All details provided in entries including videos will be treated as confidential for shortlisting and judging purposes, and will not be disclosed to any outside party, with the exception of professional videos created for the UK Impact in Singapore category, as outlined above. A summary of finalist entries will be used for marketing purposes - please highlight any elements of the entry which must remain confidential for clarity.
  13. Winners will be announced at the Gala Awards Ceremony in October 2024 and not beforehand. 
  14. All businesses are encouraged and welcomed to attend the awards ceremony regardless of any status in the competition.

Our Annual Business Awards judging panel ensure our winners are the best in class. The British Chamber of Commerce maintains a formal judging process as below.


The Annual Business Awards opens for entries on 27th March 2024 and closes on 12th July 2024 when the judging process begins. All entries are eligibility checked to ensure they meet the required criteria of their category before being benchmarked for shortlisting.

Our Annual Business Awards shortlisting committee consider all entries against the criteria of each category and independently judge each entry on a scoring basis. The highest scoring entries will be shortlisted as finalists in their category. Up to 5 companies may be shortlisted in each category.

Winner Selection
Our expert judges consider all shortlisted entries and make their final winner selection in each category with the exception of the UK Impact in Singapore category, which will be voted for by the audience at the Virtual Awards Ceremony. The judge’s decision is final. A Winner and Highly Commended entry will be recognised. 

Thank you to all of our Partners for their support with this years edition of the Annual Business Awards.

Category Partner: Diversity & Inclusion Champion of the Year: Barclays


Barclays is our Official Diversity & Inclusion Partner. A transatlantic consumer and wholesale bank offering products and services across personal, corporate and investment banking, credit cards and wealth management, Barclays has a strong presence in their two home markets of the UK and the US. With over 325 years of history and expertise in banking, Barclays operates in over 40 countries and employs approximately 83,500 people. 

Find out more

Video Partner: AsiaWorks




AsiaWorks is a creative video agency, founded over twenty years ago by a vibrant and talented group of producers, journalists and cameramen. They are video specialists with round-the-clock offices in Bangkok, Jakarta, and Singapore, providing high-quality regional video production services with an unrivalled network of crew, creatives and production professionals across Asia.

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Supporting Partner: Singapore Economic Development Board



The Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB), a government agency under the Ministry of Trade and Industry, is responsible for strategies that enhance Singapore’s position as a global centre for business, innovation, and talent.

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Supporting Partner: Enterprise Singapore

Enterprise Singapore is the government agency championing enterprise development. They work with committed companies to build capabilities, innovate and internationalise. They also support the growth of Singapore as a hub for global trading and startups. As the national standards and accreditation body, they continue to build trust in Singapore’s products and services through quality and standards.

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Supporting Partner: Singapore Business Federation


The Singapore Business Federation (SBF) is the apex business chamber championing the interests of the Singapore business community in the areas of trade, investment and industrial relations. It represents 27,200 companies, as well as key local and foreign business chambers. 

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Supporting Partner: Harry's


Over the years, Harry's has become one of Singapore's iconic destinations. From its humble beginnings in 1992 with just one spot at Boat Quay, Harry's has since grown and now operates 21 premium bars in Singapore and 3 in Myanmar. Strategically located in the high traffic city and business district areas, Harry's also has a presence in the suburban towns. Outfitted with flat screen televisions around each bar, Harry's brings forth a comfortable live sports viewing experience with honest good food and fresh beers on tap with Live entertainment by musicians as well as a host of events such as Quiz and Comedy nights at selected locations.

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