The Chamber champions best practice in diversity and inclusion, hosting events, publishing content and creating new opportunities to reach into the wider Singaporean community with these messages. We are committed to providing support, guidance and activities for those willing to get involved in the conversation. Look out for more news and opportunities to participate here. We encourage everyone, within and outside of our membership, to share their latest reports and progress with us for the benefit of all to learn from. Contact lucy@britcham.org.sg with your updates. 

The Chamber operates both a Women in Business and a Diversity and Inclusion committee, providing numerous opportunities for our member companies and diversity advocates to host, speak at and attend events in topics including gender, disability, age, sexual orientation, race, culture, and religious beliefs. These are sensitive topics and the Chamber along with our contributing member companies and our Diversity and Inclusion Partner, Barclays, handle the issues sensitively and positively.





In November's Orient magazine the Chamber's Women in Business committee contributed an article on the benefits of dynamic working for businesses.


May 2018's Orient magazine included a contribution from Developing Global Leaders on the future of female leadership.

Published in March 2017, this guide addresses the key areas of D&I with proven policies for success and statements from member companies of the Diversity and Inclusion committee, provided from their own company's policies for your benefit.

In 2015 the Chamber encouraged our member companies to submit their experiences and case studies to a publication covering the use cases of diversity strategies.