In the Press: Views from the Top, 11 Mar 2019

Below is the full text of the Chamber's contribution taken from The Business Times, 11 March 2019.

The question asked:

Why do women still lag the men at work today, in position and/or pay? How can organisations do their part to bridge the gender gap, in the digital and other areas?


Bicky Bhangu
British Chamber of Commerce Singapore

IN today's world it is rightly considered inappropriate for women to be unfairly treated in comparison to their male colleagues at all levels. As a Chamber working closely with successful businesses in various industries, we have seen how difficult it continues to be to bridge the gap in traditionally male-dominated sectors, and across the board at the most senior levels. We take hope from the increasing attention paid to the topic, with senior leaders keen to learn from each other's successful - and less successful - initiatives. We host activities and events throughout the year around this and other diversity topics including a major International Women's Day discussion for several hundred guests this month, running a social media Celebrating Diversity photo contest for all ages and the wider local community, and encouraging organisations to take the social media #GenderPledge to make a commitment to gender quality - an initiative championed by various Missions in Singapore, among other partners.